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Level: Beginner 4-Wall 28 Count

DBD Difficulty: 2

Start: 16 counts in "When the Sun Goes Down"

Restarts: 0
Tags: 0
Skips: 0

1st Co8: Rock Step, Shuffle Step, Rock Step, Shuffle Turn

  1,2: Rock forward on RF, rock back on LF

  3&4: RF back, LF Back, RF back

  5,6: Rock back on LF, rock forward on RF

  7&8: LF forward 1/4 to right, RF together, LF back 1/4 to right

2nd Co8: Rock Step, Shuffle Turn, Rock Step, Shuffle Step

  1,2: Rock back on RF, rock forward on LF

  3&4: RF forward 1/4 turn to left, LF together, RF back 1/4 to left

  5,6: Rock back on LF, rock forward or RF

  7&8: LF forward, RF forward, LF forward

3rd Co8: Pivot Turn, Shuffle Step, Pivot Turn, Pivot Turn

  1,2: RF forward 1/2 turn right, replace weight on LF

  3&4: RF forward, LF together, RF forward

  5,6: LF forward 1/2 turn right, replace weight on RF

  7,8: LF forward 1/4 turn right, replace weight on RF

4th Co8: Shimmy x3, Scuff

  1,2,3: Hips left, hips right, hip left (weight on LF)

  4: Scuff RF up

Partner Variation

Start in Sweetheart Position both partners facing forward.
Follow on right hands by the shoulders.
Lead connects Left to Left and Right to Right, with right arm around Follow's shoulders.

On 1st Co8: 7&8 the turn will situate the Follow on the Left

On 2nd Co8: 3&4 the turn will situate the Follow the Right again.

On 2nd Co8: 7&8, let go on the RH, lift LH up.

On 3rd Co8: 1,2 lead does a turn under the LH. This puts the follow on the left. Lead puts RH behind back (hammerlock) and Follow reconnects to RH.

On 3rd Co8: 3&4 lift LH up.

On 3rd Co8: 5,6 Lead does a turn under the LH. This will unwind their hammerlock.
Follows: footwork here is LF forward, rock back on right with a quarter turn right

On 3rd Co8: 7,8 bring right hand up to the beginning sweetheart postion.
Follows: footwork here is rock onto LF 1/4 left, then step forward RF 1/4 left.