Drop In Lessons

Our specialized curriculum for our Public Lessons was developed specifically for social dancing and to help even first time students develop useful dancing skills in a simple format, but also provides quality concept and skills practice in a condensed form. Most students can dance for a whole song with just one lesson!

Our Public Lessons curriculum is also designed to accommodate dancers who want to take multiple classes over a period of time to expand their repertoire.

Each public lesson is included in the price of admission for that night's dance social and includes 20-30 minutes of line dance instruction and 30-40 minutes of partner lessons.

No partners are necessary for attendance; class sizes usually can accommodate for stag dancers, and partners have the option to stick together or rotate throughout the lesson.


Public Lessons

$8.00 per person

Lessons start at 8:30pm and end at 9:30pm

Thursdays and Saturdays

Entry to the dance social is included in this price.